The enablement playbook vol. 2
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"Curious Lion's way of serving clients is putting the customer's needs and learning culture first, then leveraging that to up-skill their employees. This eBook embodies this mission."
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An email series with additional reading and resources.
Top "Soft Skills" for Sales Reps | An Enablement Perspective
A sales rep's success is determined not only by their ability to sell but also by how well they can communicate with, listen to, and build trust with clients, teammates, and sales leaders.
Attain Leadership Buy-in
Without support from above, enablement efforts fall flat. Explore three approaches enablement practitioners have found effective in securing leadership buy-in.
Enable Reflection
Discover how great an influence you can have on sales reps to work more effectively, creatively, and with a stronger sense of direction toward a shared vision through the power of reflection.
Peer-to-Peer Learning and Reps Teaching Reps
Sales success is dependent on the collective knowledge and skills of the team as a whole. Enablers must facilitate an environment in which everyone can and feels compelled to contribute.
Put Tacit Knowledge to Work
Sales enablement pros must work to make tacit knowledge accessible for everyone to perform at their best. Bolster a culture of continuous learning for your entire revenue motion.